Most Amazing Health Benefits And Home Remedies of Honey

Most Amazing Health Benefits And Home Remedies of Honey

Sweet foods are scarce these days, but there is still something special honey. After all, honey is the only creation of swarms of bees covering a radius of six miles in collecting nectar. There are a lot of health benefits of honey and honey home remedies.

Everything requires a lot of work to be done must be good! Honey is sweeter than sugar with 65 calories per tablespoon, compared to white sugar on 48. And, of course, provides health benefits that are all of them.

What’s it good for?

• Acne
• Age Spots
• Allergies
• Coughs
• Insomnia
• Laryngitis
• Sore Throat
• Ulcers

Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is a nutritional power. It contains trace amounts of B vitamins, amino acids and minerals, but it really is not more nutritious than regular sugar.
If honey receive care from doctors, it is for other reasons. Its thick and syrupy texture makes it a natural remedy to relieve sore throat, especially when hot lemonade or a relaxing tea which is added chamomile.
But honey does much more. Kills bacteria and helps cuts and wounds heal faster. It is a natural laxative. It seems to reduce the ulcer pain.
And is an energy source that fast action can invigorate tired muscles faster than you can say “Gatorade”. The scientists found that athletes perform better when they eat a little ‘honey.

A Great Antiseptic

Infection was the greatest threat to health in the days before antibiotics. Even small cuts or scratches could be fatal, so doctors often wore a little ‘honey in their bags blacks. Honey contains hydrogen peroxide and propolis, a nectar compound that kills bacteria.
Even today, now that triple antibiotic creams are in each box of medicine, some doctors believe that honey can be a top dressing in some cases. It works so well that a number of manufacturers sell honey-impregnated dressings for wounds difficult to heal.
The high sugar content of honey draws moisture from the wounds and denies moisture bacteria need to survive. It also blocks harmful external pollutants. And because honey is cheap, it can be an optimal choice in countries that have no access to modern wound creams.
Already in 1970, the surgeons reported that women who had had shorter hospital gynaecological surgery hospitalisation and showed no signs of infection, when the carvings were covered with honey.
Studies in India show that burning seasoned with honey heal faster and with less pain and scarring Burns slathered with silver sulfadiazine, conventional burn treatment.
Honey is also the promise of eye ailments, including conjunctivitis and chemical burns. In a study of over 100 patients with eye problems who have not responded to conventional treatments, doctors tested ointment honey.
It resulted in improvement in 85 percent of cases. Apply honey to the eye (do without the supervision of a doctor) can cause a brief burning sensation and some redness, but is unlikely to cause other side effects.

Sweet digestion

Traditional healers used honey to treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. Now there is good evidence that it works. Eg:
• It relieves ulcers. Honey can reduce symptoms and accelerate ulcer healing time. Honey seems to reduce inflammation, stimulate blood flow and increase the growth of epithelial cells, exposed along the inside of the stomach or intestines. this is one of the best honey home remedies.
Studies have also shown that honey kills H. pylori, the bacterium responsible for most ulcers. raw honey is probably the best option. high-heat process used to create the pasteurised honey may neutralise some of the active compounds.
A form of honey called active Manuka honey, produced in New Zealand from manuka and available in health food stores from the tree seems to be more effective than other types.
• Promotes regularity. fructose honey makes the only for occasional constipation. undigested fructose provides food for normal intestinal bacteria. The resulting fermentation brings water into the intestine and the large intestine has a laxative effect.
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