Most Amazing Ideas How to Lose Weight in 20 Simple Steps

How to lose weight at home

How to lose weight in simple steps is such a huge topic that you can find tons of material telling you how to lose weight, all could be right but in this article your don't have to work very hard only few changes in the kitchen will help you lose fat. so Here are 20 simple steps to lose weight. The usual methods are lifting weights and cardio. In this list, we move away from the gym and we go into your kitchen to help you change your eating habits and, in the logical sequence of things, your physique.

1- Change Your Lifestyle

When you follow a "program" to lose body fat, it is possible that you fail. A program involves an end and this is where most people resume their bad habits. If you want to lose fat and not regain it, make changes that you can hold indefinitely. Do not restrict yourself too much on calories and find a suitable exercise program in which you can progress and that is varied enough so that you can keep it for years.

2- Drink More Water

Water is the solution in which most cellular activities take place, including the transport and burning of fats. Drinking a large amount of water that does not contain calories gives you the impression of being more full and therefore makes you eat less. Drink at least 30ml of water a day for each of your pounds. Keep a 50cl bottle of water at your side and fill it five times a day.

3- Consuming Less Calories Than The Quantity You Burn

To know how many calories you burn per day, calculate your basic metabolism (MB), that is, the number of calories you burn daily by doing your usual activities, not including sport, using this formula: MB = body weight (in kilograms) x 13. Determine how many calories you burn with exercise (half an hour of moderate-intensity aerobics burns about 350 calories in an average man and half an hour of weight lifting Burns about 200). Add your MB to the number of calories you burn at the gym and keep your daily calorie intake below the result.

4- Reduce Starch Rich Carbohydrates

Consuming too many starchy carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, pasta and bread (especially in a single meal) is not good for your body. All the starch-rich carbohydrates your body does not need to make energy and glycogen stores will be changed into fat. "  You don’t have to eliminate starchy carbohydrates ," says bodybuilder Mike Matarazzo. But you really should eat less when trying to burn fat  . " Don’t inject more than 3 to 5 times of starchy carbohydrates per day and limit each part to 130g of pasta, rice or potato slices.

5- Take A Complete And Balanced Breakfast

"  Your body has not eaten at night and needs nutrients to rebuild ," Matarazzo says. If you eat little in the morning instead of a full breakfast, it impacts your workouts and everything you do in the day in a negative way  . " Eat enough protein (between 30 and 40 grams), complex carbohydrates like oatmeal and a fruit to start the day.

6- Limit Your Sugar Consumption

Absorb simple carbohydrates just after a weight-lifting session replenishes your muscles and glycogen stores in your liver but too much sugar consumed at other times of the day will make you take fat . Eat it from time to time but try to limit your intake of fresh fruit sugar. Replace sweetened drinks with unsweetened drinks and juice with water, coffee, tea or soda lightened in sugar.

7- Alternate Your Carbohydrates

Chris Aceto, a nutritional expert and former bodybuilder, recommends eating about one gram of carbohydrate per 500g body weight for 3-5 days and eating twice as much overnight and two days later and then repeating this cycle. If you weigh 90 kilos, eat 45g of carbohydrates for 3 to 5 days then 90g the other days.

8- Drink Black Coffee Before You Train

"  Caffeine allows the body to burn fat during a sports session rather than glucose to have energy ," says Aceto. Yet, the results of caffeine are decreased when you have a meal with high carbohydrates  . " Drink 1 to 2 cups of black coffee within two hours of your workout and eat more good fat and protein if you drink your coffee at a meal or snack. Avoid cream and sugar (which add unwanted calories and fat) and avoid drinking coffee at other times of the day. You can thus desensitize the effects of caffeine that allow you to burn fat.

9- Avoid Decreases Drastic Calories

"Any competitor who does not eat more calories to try to lose weight realizes that this is not the best way," says Laurie Vaniman famous bodybuilder. The identical applies to non-competitors. Decrease the number of calories you eat.

10- Eat 5 To 6 Times Per Day

People on diets often decrease their daily meals in order to reduce calories. It would not help at all. "If you have food six times a day with the same number of calories, you can lose more fat because more meals to burn more calories [by increasing thermogenesis, heat production in the body]" , "Says Aceto. Calculate how many calories you want to consume per day (see tip 3) and spread them out evenly over 5 or 6 meals.

11- Take Conjugated Linolic Acid

Conjugated linoleic acid is in vogue in bodybuilders as a fat burner. Several studies in humans have shown that effects were modest on fat loss. Intake 3g of conjugated linoleic acid per day.

12- Consider Supplements For Burning Fat

Although they are not the universal remedy, if you properly use supplements to burn fat , they can increase your fat loss.

13- Use Creatine  

Creatine, a powerful substance that allows you to muscle, can also help you lose fat. The muscle you take by ingesting creatine increases your basic metabolic rate. This is very important during a fat loss phase, when a low calorie intake can compromise your muscle gain and lower your metabolic rate. Start with a five-day phase: 15 to 20 grams daily, divided into 3 or 4 equal doses. Then take 3 to 5 grams of creatine daily with a post-exercise meal.

14- Increase Your Vegetable Consumption

Vegetables are full of nutritional value and contain few calories, allowing you to feel full while having ingested fewer calories. Consume five times a day, whether it's snack, sandwich or chicken breast. Eat your next burger with fresh vegetables rather than fries.

15- Do Not Remove Too Much Over The Grease Burners

Fat burners help to reduce body fat but they can do nothing against bad eating habits. If you take the products mentioned in tips 11 to 13 without doing sports or having a good diet, you will take more fat than lose. Fat burners are not magic pills. Use them with a solid diet and playing sports.

16- Consume Between 25 And 35 Grams Of Fibers Per Day

 Fiber lowers insulin levels, as well as total calories, affecting your physique,  " says Aceto. The fibers absorb water and take up more room in your stomach. So you're less hungry. Sound cereals, oatmeal and beans are high fiber foods. Check the fiber contents on the labels.

17- Eliminate The Malboff

 Junk food (like chips, chips and candy) is a food that contains only calories ," says Matarazzo. On the other hand, prohibited foods such as pizza and hamburgers have nutritional benefits and eating them from time to time can really help when you're dieting . "

18- Eat The Good Quantity Of Proteins

Bodybuilders ingest a lot of protein when they diet. But proteins contain calories that can be turned into fat if you consume too much. Intake daily between 1 and 1.5g of protein for 500g of body mass. This will allow you to have enough amino acids to maintain muscle mass while keeping control over your total number of calories ingested.

19- Eat More Good Greases

"  Good fats are underutilized by people trying to lose fat ," says Matarazzo. You must reduce the number of calories to lose fat but do not stop them completely  . Fat takes longer to decompose in your stomach and helps you control your blood sugar by reducing your hunger. Add avocados, oily fish, olives, nuts, seeds and oils such as olive oil, linseed oil or canola oil to your diet.

20- Eat Foods Prohibited For Their Flavor

 If you like a particular food, you should not stop yourself from eating it ," says Vaniman. Avoid bad foods you do not like or you do not really want to eat. When eating prohibited foods, eat them for their flavor. Do not eat an entire pizza, eat a few parts, savor and enjoy. Share the Rest  "

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